What is it and how to increase social media engagement?

Javi Del Campo's picture
Javi Del Campo
· 25/09/2015

What it is engagement?

It’s one of the many Anglo words which have ended up in online marketing. In this case it refers to the commitment or relationship that establishes a brand with its users or target audience and whose ultimate goal is the sale of products or services. The engagement is what makes your community be loyal to your brand after consuming your products or services. That is, the user stays with you because he wants your content, he wants to participate, and it’s interesting what you do and what you share. There is a link, a connection ... Como on, there’s a feeling.

For example, imagine that one day you stay with someone who attracts you at first glance, this person takes you to dinner to a very cool place, you have not seen anything like this, everything is so cool; then this person takes you to a concert by a group you have never heard before (although you think you have some musical culture) and you love it, and so on all night long. Come on, you're waiting for the next step with enthusiasm. And so every day, not every day is just as exciting but overall you’re interested in what this person offers you. You like the story right? Then you also have to do your part. You must interact in conversation, you can say what you like or what you would improve. You are a prosumer, however this relationship has captivated you. I’m sure you’ll end up buying the offers? Well, engagement in something like that.

A first action of marketing attracts users to make the first purchase but we must keep the engagement so that users continue buying.

How can you get more engagement? 

You have to divide your strategy to focus both on the interactions with the audience and on the actions that will improve the quality of the published content.

Logically, you need to know the target audience of your brand. And I mean, really get to know them, analyse them profoundly, find out what they like, their habits and lifestyles, every single detail will help you. Talk to your community clearly, create conversations, let the debates flow freely but also take the lead and participate in them. Respond to all the questions and support their feedback. Encourage the audience to create content in which your brand is present and reshare it in your social media. A bidirectionality in the conversations creates stronger relationships and makes your brand more human. In other words, makes it seem as if there is someone behind a company whose only objective seems to be to sell.

Create and post the content that is inspirational, interactive, original and authentic, that provokes reflections. Ask questions and get to know the opinions of your audience. Publish something that appeals to them, that is useful and that they would want to read. It is quite a complicated task, considering how fast the user moves on the Internet, but can be achieved with a bit of patience. Provide widgets or plugins so that the content that has cost you so much to create can be re-shared easily and hopefully becomes viral.

Don't forget to analyze the most successful publications on your social networks. Track progress and evaluate results to see if what you're doing works the way you wanted it to.

How can you measure engagement?t

It is very difficult to measure a commitment or a feeling, but basically what we do is to calculate the rate or Engagement or Engagement Rate (ER)

First we will make a summary of all interactions of social media:

Facebook: Number of I like, comments and shared

Twitter: Number of favorites, retweets and answers

Then we calculate the formula ER 3 denominators different depending on what interests us:

1. Impressions or scope

Interactions / impressions: number of times a post has been seen on twitter x 100 

Interactions / reach: number of people who have seen your post on Facebook x 100 

This shows us the ER according to people who have seen our publications. It’s best used in large communities, especially where you have to pay. The disadvantage is that it can only be used for accounts that we manage, that is, we will not know those of our competitors.

2. Fans or followers

Interactions / facebook fans x 100

Interactions / followers on twitter x 100

It shows us the engagement generated according to our fans, so we can know them even if we don’t administer those accounts. But this way we do the conversion according to our fans, no matter if they have seen us or not.

3. weighted Interactions / impressions or scope

The weighted interactions are calculated:

For example in twitter (favorite number) x 1 + (number of responses) x 2 + (number of retweets) x3 / impressions or scope

This formula makes no distinction based on interacting conducting the hearing, it is more accurate but more expensive.

What to choose? Depends for more detailed reports 3rd, to meet the competition engagement the 2nd and 1st for routine analysis.

If you want more detailed information see the great post of Martin Paz.



To get more engagement there are many ways and certainly is not easy. Basically learn to listen, observe and talk with your audience is a good way to start creating more ties "emotional" with your community. And of course no matter the quantity but the quality of our relationships. Our users are many or few, but make them be faithful.


Main photo: Rodion Kutsaev

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