How to make the most out of your Facebook ads

Javi Del Campo's picture
Javi Del Campo
· 02/06/2016

The scale of the online marketing world is leaning more and more towards Facebook Ads. The companies are investing more money in them and take them more into consideration when they need to promote their businesses, whether it is to turn their investments in sales or online reputation. Facebook knows this and they don’t stop when it comes to offering upgrades in their Ads service, with new displays and ways to reach the target.

But, as in every great battle, a good strategy is needed to win. A strategy that allows us to make the most out of every Euro we invest in Facebook and makes us feel it’s worth spending. Here are some ideas to get your strategy to yield results.

Renew your ads

It’s normal that not all of your ads work the same way. Some will be successful and others barely will. Don’t let an ad go on indefinitely no matter how well it has worked. Just like with TV ads, people get tired o seeing the same cologne ad every Christmas. Seize the opportunity to learn from it and analyze how that ad has worked the way it has so that you can replicate its success with the next ones. Ideally, you would change 90% of your ads once a month and freshen up you impact on the masses

Use several displays

Facebook does not live on images alone. Experiment with the format of your ads. Try putting up a video of less than 30 seconds, or an image gallery, even an animated gif. The novelty of the format can attract not only the attention of your target audience but also make the users share your ad, and that can lead to total success. There are also formats to get certain customer’s data called “Leads”. Create a good form for obtaining data and offer something in return. You’ll be attracting more people than you ever were before.

Several designs for the same goal

Can’t pick a Facebook Ads design? Well, use several. Pick up the same idea and make subtle changes. Change the color, the text, the call to action… make multiple combos and analyze the data. Next time you renew your app, check out the statistics. They’ll probably lead you to better defining how your Ad’s design should be. Tip: match the same text with several images and colors. There’s always a combinations that stands out above the others.

Segment your audience

Facebook gives you all the tools for your advertisement to reach your target audience and not turning in mere spamming. Go through the segmentation options to avoid wasting money. You can make your ad only pop up in specific regions. Or only be shown to certain age groups. It would be like handing an ad for a pizza place to a 20-something college kid living with roommates. Sure hit.

Stunning design

Don’t use boring images from boring photo stocks. Be creative and really profit from it. Every day millions of photos are published in Facebook by the minute. If yours doesn’t make an impact right away it will get lost in the timeline abyss. This is your cover letter and it better be unique. Try not to put too much text in the image or Facebook will reject it. Study your competition and offer the exact same opposite visually. Dare to be innovative and if it doesn’t work, try again.

Measure, compare and discard

You have to take your time to study the data. If you’ve ever heard the words “Big Data” this is the closest you’ll ever get. Thoroughly analyze what has worked and what failed. Put your data in a document and study. Compare every month that data of all your campaigns: the likes, the downs, the reach, the comments and the amount of shares. And if your investments generate revenues, reinvest. Lots of people stop making Facebook Ads as soon as the notice the slightest improvement, but the key to success in this business is to never be out of sight. Be persistent and optimize every Euro of your investment.


Main photo: Chien Nguyen Minh

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