Five documentaries to understand the bitcoin

César Álvarez's picture
César Álvarez
· 13/09/2015

Bitcoin story seems to be taken from a science fiction novel. In 2008 the anonymous character Satoshi Nakamoto creates a new digital currency that is destined to change the game forever.

Based on peer-to-peer technology and free software basically it allows us to be our own bank. Among its main features it includes the following:

  • It is not controlled by any state, company or financial institution.
  • Avoid the inflation by the design.
  • It’s unforgeable because it’s based on cryptographic ciphers.
  • It allows anonymous payments.
  • Eliminates the third parties as the transactions are made directly from person to person.
  • The money cannot be involved, or seized by the state.
  • It allows citizens of the world to be a little freer.

If you find it just as exciting as we, then we have prepared a compilation of the best documentaries to understand this crypt currency that is already changing the world and, in a few years, everyone will use it daily.

'Bitcoin: The End of Money As We Know It'

Torsten Hoffman Australian documentary’s was financed by crowdfunding and success in explaining the topic very well avoiding technical slang.


See 'Bitcoin: The End of Money As We Know It' gratis en Putocker


'The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin'

It has been the best until now, it tells the story of bitcoin and explains what all this while going through animations, interviews with the protagonists and stories.

See 'The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin' free pelispedia with subtitles in Spanish
See 'The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin' free Putocker

'The Bitcoin Doco'

It’s a miniseries documentary of 3 episodes where the operation of bitcoin and future applications explained.
So far only two episodes have been publ

See The Bitcoin Doco - Episode 1 Free on Vimeo
See The Bitcoin Doco - Episode 2 $ 0.99

'Ulterior States [I am Satoshi]'

This documentary takes us into the bitcoin ecosystem by interviewing key players, a handful of exceptional human beings that seem to come from the future. Activism, good only for advanced minds.

See 'Ulterior States - I am Satoshi' free on Youtube


'Life on Bitcoin'

It tells the adventures of Becky and Austin, a pair of newlyweds who travel for 100 days paying only with Bitcoins. Throughout the process the virtues of Bitcoin are highlighted. At the date of publication of this post it hasn’t been released yet.


Main photo: Rodion Kutsaev

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