Grupo Gea

Think globally: Transforming the way you sell

Grupo GEA's mission is to foster relations between Spain and China. It is composed of three businesses: GEA Global Services, dedicated to import and export advice; GEA Advisors, focused on securing financing for companies; and GEA Real Estate, deigned to manage investment real estate.

Corporate Identity

Creating three brands, independent but siblings nonetheless, was an exercise in global vision. In all three cases, we visually synthesized a concept, the main goal of each company, with the letter 'G', demonstrating how each brand was both unique and part of a larger identity.

Drupal 7 

For the structure of the three websites, we posed Drupal 7 as the solution, which allowed us to manage the client's content in the simplest way.

In designing and we opted for a One Page format which gave us the following advantages:

· Significant reduction in the quantity of code for the site.
· For metrics, simplification of site analysis, since only one page or large section needs analysis.
· Better concentration of traffic and minimization of traffic leak using the single landing concept. Logically, this was done by defining a conversion point and optimizing the contact form.
· SEM facilitation, since it is more focused on conversation and navigation. Also, it concentrates all queries and interactions in one location.

For the site, we selected a conventional navigational style with each section having its own page and URL, allowing for traffic augmentation using SEO.

Built in On-page SEO

We achieved all the requirements for improving the on-page SEO, such as the inclusion of a sitemap.xml linked with Google webmaster tools, friendly URLs, personalization of page titles and links, structured html headings, etc...

We analyzed keywords, posed a blog publication strategy, and instructed the client on internet writing so they could continue the strategies on their own.

Digital Identity

The business's online identity came define by various information that was on the internet: facts, images, records, comments, etc. Relevant content is the key for creating a community around Grupo GEA. Content selection should be adapted to the online medium and modified for each channel and target, always first relying on original and high quality content ideas.

Pantallazo de la página de Gea Global Services
Logos Grupo Gea
Pantallazo de la página de Gea Advisors
Tarjetas Gea global Services
Dípticos Grupo Gea
Pantallazo de la página de Gea Real Estate
Logo Gea global Services

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