Miapetra is a Spanish company dedicated to manufacturing exclusive sinks and shower trays made of a single stone with a unique design.
We handled the global branding of the brand working by the following steps:
Study of the Competition
Analysis of the main competing companies, examining their strengths and weaknesses with special carefulness.
Humanization of the brand
At this stage we assign featured and values to the brand normally associated with personality traits allowing us to treat it as if it were a person. This is very useful not only when creating the graphical representation of the brand, but also to understand how it has to communicate with its audience and choose a coherent, consistent tone.
Design values of the brand
Selection of the main graphic options, such as colors, shapes and fonts based on the values that they represent.
Logo design
Creation of several proposals for the brand and their application in various media.
Para la construcción del logo hemos querido transformar la E de la palabra en un isotipo, es decir la representación gráfica icónica de una marca. Los picos y los ángulos nos recuerdan al material de la piedra. Este detalle será utilizado como elemento decorativo en algunas de las aplicaciones.
Quisimos una gama de colores limitada pero que le diese a la marca una característica elegante, lujosa y atemporal. Utilizamos el gris azulado que contrasta con los tonos terrosos y blancos de los diferentes materiales utilizados por Miapetra.
Diseñamos varios elememtos para imprenta dentro del proyecto de papelería corporativa, lo que nos permitió desarrollar más en profundidad la esencia del branding: minimalismo y elegancia.