Tips for web positioning

Javi Del Campo's picture
Javi Del Campo
· 07/01/2015

As we all know SEO can become a real nightmare. Everybody wants their websites on the top results of a Google search (and for free of course). And they want this to be done in an easy & fast way. Well, neither of them: actually SEO is still a big mystery for the majority of web users nowadays.
The key is that Google will never allow you to be on the top results by your own means (i.e. for free). But you may achieve being a little bit higher by following a few easy steps that anyone can take with a little time & patience.

The more quality content, the better

It’s obvious that the more content you include in your site, the better. But is must have a certain level of quality. In the last times many sites have drop in the positioning due to the fact that the actual content had very little to do with the search result in Google. As a result, their positioning dropped dramatically (i.e. Panda website). Whenever you want to include new contents on your site, always try to put them in a complete & brief way. Add references, pictures, links… everything you would like to find! Quality & quantity, that’s the key!

Responsive design

Google is more and more driven by the user’s experience, and websites adapted for smartphones & tablets are a top priority. Sites not supporting mobile devices lead to a higher number of bounce-back hits and Google placing your site on a black list until further notice. To top it all, the search engine already shows in the results on mobile devices whether the site is supported or not, so many users will automatically discard them. Adapt your website and you won’t be left behind!

Overwhelming text 

It may have worked a few years ago, but nowadays the constant repetition of keywords leads to traffic jams. Repeating the same keywords (or a given group of them) in a text with less than 1000 characters may lead to banning actions from Google side. Use the keywords in a moderate way and always well related to what is being stated in the text.
Not only from Google’s perspective: web users are not naïve and when they realize this behavior will run away with a sense of mistrust.

Find the balance in text entries

Similar to what we spoke above regarding quantity but this time applied to length.
It’s obvious that sometimes things need to be explained thoroughly. But if you manage to satisfy the user’s need in 1000 words rather than 3000, your content will be preferred by Google. Hence try to adequate the length of the text entries, avoiding “noise” just to squeeze in more keywords. Just don’t do it! Keep the quality level high and give Google it’s SEO share, but always with the right amount of text. Use appropriate vocabulary and give the users what they want without boring them.

- OK to links, but quality ones
Internal links, external links… we all know these tricks but, are they really efficient?
Actually yes they are, but as long as they are useful for the final user. With regard to backlinks, make them not to point to the home page all the time if possible. Internal pages are important for positioning as well and belong to the website map structure: they must have their relevance as well. For links, avoid too many anchor text just for the sake of it.
Google rewards that anchor text refers to the branding and/or website name, so it should be something like this:, htttp://, etc...
Years ago, positioning was based on masking websites under anchor text by using powerful keywords. That’s over. But you must include a few keywords anyway, always in a controlled and moderate way and linking to quality content for the final user.



Main photo: Zhang Jr

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