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Mastering Linux command line is a great help for any web developer in order to be more flexible and independent when working in environments of Linux / Unix development.  Here we give you the 20 most used commands for newbies who want to start this black magic. cd - Change directory cd <directory> Change the current working directory, that means, it moves us to that directory.   rmdir - Remove directory rmdir <directory> Removes directory.   rm - Remove user@server:~$ rm <file> Removes directory user@server:~$ rm -r <directory> Removes directory and all its contents.   cp - Copy user@server:~$ cp <origen> <destiny> Copy files and directories from origin to destination. user@server:~$ cp -r <origen> <destiny> But so it does recursively, that is, copy the directory and its contents.   mv - Move user@server:~$ mv <origen> <destiny> Moves files or directories from origin to destination. It Moves them but does not copy them!   Clear - user@server:~$ clear Clears all text from the terminal and leaves it as if we had already opened it.   History -  user@server:~$ history It shows the last commands entered by the current user.   Cat - Concatenar user@server:~$ cat -n It displays the contents of a file listing the lines.   Head - user@server:~$ head It shows the first 10 lines of the specified file.   Tail - user@server:~$ tail Displays the last 10 lines of a specific file.   pwd - Print work directory user@server:~$ pwd Displays the working directory, the one you are located.   touch - Update user@server:~$ touch <name of the file> Create an empty file with the specified name and if the file exists, it update the modification date.   wget - www get user@server:~$ wget <url> Download the file from the specified website. user@server:~$ wget -r <url> Download the complete specified website (-r recursively until 5 levels of the site).   ps - Process status user@server:~$ ps -aux Displays information about all processes running on the system.   top - Top processes user@server:~$ top Displays information about the processes than consume most of the CPU. user@server:~$ top -u <username> Displays information about the top processes executed only by a particular user.   man - Manual user@server:~$ man <name-command> Displays help pages of this command.   whatis - What is this command user@server:~$ whatis <name-command> It shows a brief description about what makes or what is the consulted command for.   unzip - un zip file user@server:~$ unzip <> Unzip a zip file. user@server:~$ unzip -l <> List the contents of a file without unzipping it.   tar - Tape archive It creates, displays and extracts tar files (the name comes from the old magnetic tape systems) user@server:~$ tar -cvf <name-file.tar> <file1> <file2> It creates a file containing the listed files user@server:~$ tar -xvf <name-file.tar> It extracts the tar file.   gzip - GNU zip user@server:~$ gzip <name-file> Create and unzip gzip files.     Here there’s an extra one to finish, Drush: a specific tool for Drupal. With this tool, you can access almost all the functions of a drupal installation from the command line. drush - commands interface for drupal user@server:~$ drush cc Clear the cache of the drupal site. user@server:~$ drush vset maintenance_mode 1 Put the site in maintenance mode. Here is the complete list of the drush commands.   Main photo: Uriel Soberanes
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