How to market to Generation Z

Javi Del Campo's picture
Javi Del Campo
· 29/04/2021

In 'The Art of War' Sun Tzu said that "if you know your enemy and know yourself, you should not fear the outcome of a thousand battles", and it is a reflection that can be extrapolated to many aspects, including marketing.

We will assume that you know your brand perfectly, you know what your strengths and weaknesses are and, above all, that you know the product/service you offer like the back of your hand. And that at some point in that introspection you have realised that the so-called generation Z is your target, or at least part of the audience you want to address, so the next step is to know the enemy.

What is Generation Z

The so-called Z generation comprises those born between 1994 and 2010, although the years vary according to the different experts. It is the generation that follows the millennials and is also known as centennials or post-millennials.

Zetas are digital natives, the first to be born with a smartphone under their arm, and have grown up in a completely digitised world, so they feel like fish in water with technology. Social media is their natural habitat, so much so that according to a Comscore study, Generation Z prefers social media for news consumption.

They are used to immediacy and always having information at their fingertips, which has an impact on the way they consume. According to a study by The Atlantic, comScore and Harvard, "Generation Z is one of the most difficult segments of the population for brands, media and marketers to reach.

They are smart but sceptical consumers, with higher expectations of brands and a tendency to be less loyal. Issues such as social responsibility, feminism, diversity or sustainability also concern them in the brands they consume, and personal recommendations and social networks are for them an impetus to action.

How to market to Generation Z

Use the right channel

Now that we know the enemy, it is time to plan the attack, starting with the channel through which we will approach them. All our attention must be focused on making sure that everything can be seen on mobile phones. Our website must be responsive and so must our way of connecting with them, so we will use the same channel that generation Z uses: mobile and social networks. It makes no sense for us to advertise on the radio, for example, if what the Zetas listen to is Spotify, or to advertise on TV if what they do is watch Ibai Llanos touring Marbella Vice on Twitch.
Centennials are one of the generations that uses social networks the most, and not just one. From TikTok to Twitch to Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube, Tumblr or 21Buttons. It's important to understand that we're not going to find too many zetas on Facebook, so marketing to them on that channel is a waste of bullets. Five shots on target are worth more than 500 off target, so focus your efforts on channels they use, such as Tik Tok.

Tailor your message to your audience

Not only the channel is important, but also the language spoken and the tone. You don't speak the same way to your mother as you do to a friend or a neighbour in the lift. Adapting the way you communicate with your target audience is vital.

To help you understand the importance of this, I will tell you a story. An explorer discovered a small village in the middle of the Amazon. He tried to communicate with them speaking English, but nobody understood him. He tried mumbling Spanish, but nothing. He ended up making himself understood by signing and thought he was going to be invited to a banquet, but if he had spoken the same language as them he would have known that the banquet was really him.

It is important to speak the 'language' of our target audience. This means that it is no good using the content of millennials to reach the zetas through their channels, because that way we will only manage to imitate Mr. Burns in 'The Simpsons' trying to look young. It is about adapting form and substance to the listener.

One example of adaptation is that of the luxury brands that are collaborating and doing fashion shows inside videogames such as Animal Crossing. Marc Jacobs, Valentino and Sandy Liang, for example, have presented new collections there, and firms such as Gucci even have an island in the game.

Image and video above all else

We've talked about how zetas have the whole world at their fingertips, so losing their attention is much easier than gaining it. Play it safe and create content that is easier for them to consume, such as images and videos. Consider that the online video consumption rate of this generation is 91%.
In this case and for this generation, fast content is a very appropriate strategy, as it is the content that they tend to demand.

Show yourself as a personal and authentic brand

Within the content we show it is important to give a space to our brand image because as we have said before, for this generation it is vital that the brands they consume fit their way of thinking and their concerns. If we only show what we want them to buy, they will not connect with us. 

Lush, for example, is a beauty brand whose products promote sustainability, zero waste and the use of vegan ingredients. On their social networks they not only show their new shampoos and talk about their qualities, they also show us some of the actions they carry out at brand level to reduce the environmental impact or promote employment in unprotected areas.
It is a way for the public to connect with you not only because of what you sell but also because of how you are as a brand, something that is very important for generation Z when it comes to deciding to consume. The storytelling of your brand must be taken care of and your marketing must tell a story. Creating authentic messages, making sure that the brand has personal qualities such as feelings, values and purpose, is one of the maxims for targeting this generation.

Use new forms of marketing and be creative

With Generation Z it's not just about impact, it's about connecting and engaging them. In addition, content must be creative to hold their attention. Forget the classics and embrace new ways of communicating. The type of marketing we use should involve them and make them participate, like the TikTok challenges, for example. Our marketing should encourage participation to increase engagement.
Influencer Marketing, for example, is a great way to reach Generation Z as long as it is used in the right channels. It's no use making an advert like the one Fanta did in 2017 with El Rubius, if you broadcast it on TV but not on YouTube, for example. Generation X will see it, but not their children, who are the ones we really care about.
It is important that the influencers or micro-influencers we use are from the same generation and related to the brand because for generation Z, authenticity is a priority. Using Dulceida to market a motorbike when she has never been on one is a waste of money. On the other hand, using well-known motor influencers such as Bea Eguiraun or Andrea Bautista is a triple score. Not only because the campaign will be better targeted, but also because it is more credible and authentic.
It is estimated that by 2030 Generation Z will be the most influential generation in the global economy and their income will exceed 33 million euros. Getting on this bandwagon now and connecting with them bodes well for the future. You just need to surround yourself with the right team. Shall we talk? 


Main photo: Gabriele Diwald


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