My eCommerce does not sell: 6 strategies to improve your results

Javi Del Campo's picture
Javi Del Campo
· 20/05/2022
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the phrase eCommerce - Amazon? eBay? Most people understand its meaning by the big names and well-known companies, indicating that it's about buying and selling products online. However, the concept of eCommerce has grown greatly over the last few years.
Today, most businesses, whether small or large, conduct at least one transaction online. It is a great opportunity for growth, but competition has also increased, so there are often some mistakes that are made. If your business is just starting out and you realise that it is not selling as much as you would like, you need to work smart to make your strategy as successful as you want it to be. Therefore, in this post you have six strategies that will help you improve your results and increase your sales.

How to improve your results when your eCommerce is not selling

If your eCommerce is not selling and you are feeling desperate, don't worry anymore, here you have the solution for it. Thanks to these strategies you will be able to sell, while improving your results and meeting your goals. Take a look!

1. Content Marketing

When you employ the right content marketing for eCommerce, you will attract more interaction, more positive attention and more conversions. When you create and promote original content, you can be sure that your audience will constantly receive new information. In other words, content marketing is content that is created to attract customers and get their attention. Get together with your team and make a list of the types of content you want to create for your blog and social media. This can include social media posts, videos, blogs and newsletters.

2. Optimise your website design

Once you have launched your e-commerce site, it is essential that you test its design, the placement of conversion elements and the language used. Why? When customers visit your website, they want it to be easy to use, easy to check and clear on how to make a purchase. In addition, you need to understand the text displayed on your product pages, landing pages and conversion elements.

3. Search engine optimization

One of the manual ways you can improve your eCommerce results is to have your eCommerce optimised for search engines. Nowadays, thanks to SEO, you need to make sure that your site is updated with rich and relevant content, that it is optimised to be error-free and that it offers a good user experience. Search engine optimisation is one of the digital marketing strategies with the highest ROI. Although it goes far beyond the famous keywords, using keywords within your content is a great option that can place your website as a search engine result for relevant terms, whenever users search for something specific.

4. Make use of social media

Social media allows you to communicate with your customers, market and industry in a public and personal way. With social media you can generate much more interaction and engagement, create a larger customer base and increase traffic to your website. Using different social media platforms will create a great presence for your business, as it will diversify your efforts and abilities. No matter your type of e-shop, don't be afraid of social media!

5. Start offering and accepting gift vouchers

Gift voucher marketing is often overrated. Giving your visitors the ability to pay you in advance benefits you as a shop and them as consumers. Think about it, it's credit to you! Plus, it tends to boost sales in the off-season and increase the value of the total purchase. Many gift voucher recipients tend to spend a little more than the amount they've been gifted, which means more revenue per customer for you.
Check out these 10 benefits of gift voucher marketing:
Infographic by PartyPlaneta

6. Use email marketing

One of the most effective ways to bring in customers is through email marketing. The reason why email is still around after all this time is because it really works. In order to reach your audience, you must offer useful content in your emails. It is best to make them as personal as possible and offer some valuable promotions. Ideally, use them as an opportunity to socialize.

Decide on the best strategy to implement

As an e-commerce shop owner, it is advisable that you make sure that your business keeps growing. In this day and age, where things change rapidly, if you are not growing, you will stagnate completely. It is important that you understand what your customers want. You can do this by using the technology that exists today, sending them surveys to get their opinions. You can also use your customer service tools (create a chatbot, live chats, knowledge bases, email ticketing systems, etc.) to communicate with them. By combining the right strategies, you will be able to improve your conversion rate, increase your sales and improve your bottom line, while growing over time. Don't think twice and apply these strategies that will help you achieve success and meet your goals.
Main photo: Mike Petrucci

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